A little bit about us and what we’re trying to do…
^ Titanic Quarter, Belfast
NIEXPLORER.COM is a free, independent, online resource - helping you create your own adventures in (and from) Northern Ireland.
Whether you’re living here or travelling here, use our Ideas Section for some of the best places to see and things to do. We’ve also a free Newsletter so you never miss a thing.
Walking in the majestic Mourne Mountains, driving along one of the world’s best road journeys (Causeway Coastal Route) or experiencing some city culture in Belfast, Derry~L’derry, Lisburn or Armagh may already be on your list… but there’s SO much more on offer.
And with Northern Ireland being only 100 miles wide and tall, you’ll tick off that list in no time. With a simple hop, skip and jump across the border, you can then see the rest of Ireland.
As we continue our own adventures, we’ll do our best to showcase the hidden gems, fun activities and quirky things we find along the way - making it easy for you to do the same.
Garron Road, County Antrim
If you love the road trips, experiences, events, outdoors, walks, wildlife, dogs, short breaks, arts & culture, food & drink - well, anything that leads to great memories and stories - then get in touch.
We love sharing others’ experiences via our Guest Adventurers, and work with brands and local businesses who share the same goals as us.